Lameness in Horses and Ponies

When lameness is obvious the diagnosis and treatment can be straight forward. At times however the cause of the lameness is difficult to determine, subsequently diagnosis and treatment could end up being unspecific. Here at Bearl Equine Clinic we are equipped with some of the most sophisticated diagnostic tools available within the industry and a team of equine specific veterinary surgeons who regularly tackle the most assiduous lameness presentations each week.

Investigating the cause of lameness?

Generally a lamness investigation will include:

  • Review medical history
  • Examination at rest & assess in motion inc. lunging
  • Hoof testers and flexion test
  • Nerve blocks
  • Xray and/or ultrasound scan
  • Scintigraphy/Standing MRI
  • Lameness Investigation From Horse Vet In Northumberland - Bearl EquineInvestigations at the yard or at the Clinic

A large proportion of lameness investigations take place on the farms and livery yards we attend everyday. A great deal can be learned by watching a horse walking and trotting on a flat surface. Flexion tests and some types of nerve blocks can be undertaken on yards as long as suitable facilities are in place. A clean, safe environment is obviously desirable when injecting horses legs and a suitable electric supply will be needed to operate the portable xray machine.

Ideally, if a patient is able to be transported it will benefit from visiting the clinic for its lameness investigation. The facilities at the clinic are designed to allow an altogether more effective investigation. The purpose built lungeing arena has a special surface and is built to allow the vets uninterrupted observation of the horse on the circle.The treatment rooms are designed to allow safe effective handling of all equines while administering medication to nerves or joints and the radiographic facilities at the clinic are infinitely stronger than the portable units which enables more accurate visuals. Talk to your vet about what is planned and rest assured an effective diagnostic assessment will be arranged.

Pragmatic Approach to Investigation and Treatment

Clients with lame horses may at times worry about the cost implications of extensive lameness workups but here at Bearl Equine we endeavour to help the clients decide which course of investigation and treatment is best suited to their requirements with a clear understanding of the economic considerations.

Bearl Equine ClinicBearl FarmBywellStocksfieldNorthumberlandNE43 7AJ01661 842542find us
Routine Hours
Monday to Friday
8.30am – 5.00pm
Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays
Emergencies Only
Bearl Equine Clinic
Registered Address:
Spitfire House, Aviator Ct, York YO30 4UZ
Company Number: 09126439
"Proud member of the VetPartners family"
In An Emergency

For emergency arrangements during evenings and week-ends, please call: 01209 823198

This number is a direct line to our out of hours emergency call centre. The operator will take details and pass information to the vet who will call you back as soon as possible.

Please use this number before 8.30am and after 5pm on week days and before 9am and after 1pm on Saturdays.


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